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9 Tips : 90 Days : More Moolah

Recently I heard a great podcast episode through Chalene Johnson's Build Your Tribe on small, actionable tips to improve your business right away.

Chalene's suggestions have definitely inspired me to take my business to the next level. Because I was so inspired to take action, I wanted to pass on a few of these awesome tips and give my two cents on why they're so great.

So today we've got...

Nine things you can do to improve your business in the next 90 days


New phone? New software? New website? If it's an investment your business NEEDS, make the jump! Personally, I'm about to purchase this e-course on pricing your services and am super psyched about it after being on the fence for a while.

You know that thing is that has been holding you back. Now bite the bullet and let's go.

2. Schedule three hours of implementation every week.

I am the WORST about this. I listen to podcasts all damn day, but I rarely take notes, write down action items, or figure out how I'm going to take that great advice and change my business.

This tip from Chalene really struck home with me. I MUST schedule time in my week to implement the things I'm learning. I plan on making myself accountable to my mastermind group as well.

Don't let the chaos of business ownership drown out your intentions for a better business.

3. Make your significant other feel significant

As business owners, it's easy to forget about the important relationships in our lives. I know my poor partner has to listen to me lament business ownership on the reg. He is also the one who provides us with a stable income and all the benefits of a larger company while I follow my passion. Something I should be thanking him for more often.

Share the love, and let those making this journey possible know how much they mean to you.

4. Commit to that one thing that really impacts your business

Is it blogging? Instagram? Networking events? Go after that one thing like it's the only thing you can do to promote your business for 90 days and see what happens.

My "one thing" is going to be blogging, so leave a comment and let me know if it's working!

Just one thing! Focus + relaxation = productivity.

5. Give up one item that's holding you back

Is it an unhealthy habit like gossip? Or trashy TV like Keeping Up With the Kardashians?

Trash TV is not moving me forward in my goals, unfortunately. The hours I've spent watching reality stars parade around on screen is wasted time I'll never get back! Thanks Kim, but peace out.

Say goodbye to those things holding you back! Goodbye gossip! Goodbye negative energy!

6. Set a healthy, measurable fitness goal

Choose a fitness goal that you can measure and get after. For me, I'm committing to Crossfit* 4 times per week and adding in a running session.

Chalene is from the fitness industry, and she is huge on physical fitness and business success. There seems to be a major correlation between the two – and I know that it's true for me, personally. I'm a better human when I put my health first, in being active and eating well.

*If you want to feel like a major badass, try Crossfit. After a power session with friends there, I know I can take on the world, or at least lift both children and squat to pick up a Cheez-It at the same time.

Better you, better business.

7. Do something restorative for yourself every week

What's a restorative activity? Something that makes you feel rejuvenated and clear: Like doing yoga, a calming walk around the block, or even a nice bath.

Personally, I highly recommend meditation! Come jump in on our 90-day meditation challenge. Calm your mind, your body, and become the boss you know you can be when you're in control. It's made a huge difference for me, and I only do ten minutes per day. (Try Headspace if you're feeling unsure about your meditating capabilities!)

Calm mind, calm body, more boss.

8. Start a mastermind group

Um, yes. This is a tip I can really get behind. Check out how we started a Mastermind group and why they run the world in our recent post here. This is the tip I would act on ASAP if I were you! It's been amazing for my business for sure.

Don't wait on this tip! It will change your biz for sure.

9. Set a 90-day money goal + write it down

This is the doozy. The one we creative-types don't like. Numbers. Money. Goals.

I find this especially hard because the money and "big-picture" side of running your biz is not what gets me going in the morning. I can tell you though, after digging in on finances, hours, our rate, and projecting to develop real strategy....it's a whole different ball game around here. This is something I wish I would have started doing years ago.

Yes, this goal should be uncomfortable. Get a plan together!

Click here for our printable, put this puppy on your bulletin board and get moving.

What do you think? Are you up for taking these nine tips to boost your biz in the next 90 days? We are! Let us know how these tips are working for you in the comments, or through Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

Love KGB.

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